Level 4 Process Leader

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Barnet Southgate College delivery in partnership with Cidori

Typical Job Roles:

Process Leaders are found in organisations with high volume manufacturing or advanced manufacturing processes in which large volumes of products are made in assembly, moulding, metal processing, chemical processing, pharmaceutical, textiles, food and drink, or similar processes.

Programme length: 

24 Months plus 3 months EPA Gateway

Functional Skills:

Level 2 in English & maths is to be completed, if required.

Progress Reviews:

Progress reviews occur every 10-12 weeks and are a mandatory requirement. There must be a manager or mentor present at each review.


  • Process Leader Level 4 Apprenticeship Standard

Delivery & Assessment:

Learning and assessment will take place with a dedicated tutor and will consist of:

  • Teaching sessions, practical activities access to online resources
  • Presentations and mock assessments

Off-the-Job Training (OTJ):

This training must equate to a minimum of 6 hours per week for the duration of the apprenticeship programme. It can be delivered flexibly e.g., for a part of each day, once each week or as a block release.


Just some of the Core Knowledge, Skills & Behaviours:

  • Work autonomously as part of a wider production team to undertake and direct production activities.
  • Provide technical/specialist input and direction to own team and others.
  • Manage resources effectively to ensure the efficient running of their department.
  • Planning and project management principles, problem solving, relationship building and leading through KPI’s.
  • Employment law, employee rights and responsibilities, organisation staff management policies/procedures.
  • Theories of performance management and their use and organisations tools and policies for managing teams.
  • Purpose of organisational vision and goals and how these apply to teams.
  • Agile: Flexible and adaptable to the needs of the organisation.
  • Creative, innovative and enterprising when seeking solutions to business needs.
  • Inclusive: Open, approachable, authentic, and able to build trust with others.
  • Seeks and provides feedback to manage continuous development of self, team and processes.
  • Responsibility, Accountability and Resilience: Drive to achieve in all aspects of work.
  • Professionalism: Sets an example, and is fair, consistent and impartial. Open and honest.


Successful completion of the programme may be a gateway to further learning such as Level 5 Operational Department Manager. Achievement of the standard is designed to be recognised by relevant Professional Engineering Institutions such as the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) and the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) for at the appropriate level of professional registration (EngTech).

End Point Assessment (EPA):

Learners will undertake an End Point Assessment at the end of their practical training period. The EPA will consist of the following elements, each of which will be graded individually. Learners will then be awarded an overall grade of a fail, pass or distinction.

  • Workplace Observation with Q&A
  • Project Presentation with Q&A
  • Professional discussion underpinned by portfolio of evidence
